Prepared by: Hank Vande Kraats May 2014
- The board recognizes that all people are created in the image and likeness of God and, as such, all people have the right to be treated with dignity, fairness and respect, thus the equality of human beings rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it.
- The board is committed to providing a learning and working environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity with due regard to the principles set out in the Manitoba Human Rights Code.
- The board recognizes and promotes the importance of a safe and inclusive learning environment in all policies, programs, procedures, and practices within the school.
- The board shall seek collaboration with, and active engagement from students, parents, staff and other community partners to create and sustain a positive school climate that supports student achievement consistent with the Christian values stated in Article 12 of the Articles of Continuance and in the Guidelines for Respecting Dignity and Diversity for a safe and inclusive learning environment.
- The board acknowledges that students need to be engaged in and empowered by what they are learning, supported by teachers and staff, and welcomed in their learning environment. The board shall continue to promote curricular and co- curricular programs that provide opportunities to acquire positive attitudes toward human dignity and diversity consistent with our Statement of Faith and our Guidelines for Respecting Dignity and Diversity.
- The board respects the personal conscience of individual students and their families. However, as a Christian school, we cannot relinquish our freedom to proclaim the gospel and to offer a formation based on our statement of faith and the values to be found in Christian education. All students are required to participate in religious instruction, programs, chapels, and celebrations offered by the school.
- The board recognizes that the transmission of our faith and faith development is integral to every part of the educational experience within our schools; it is therefore the expectation that all staff in our schools will promote and be informed by the CCSs statement of faith, the teachings of the Christian church and the values found within a Christian education. Precedence in terms of interpretation on any religious matters shall be given to the Calvin Christian Schools’ Statement of Faith as discerned by the Board of Directors.
- The board recognizes that just as students have diverse backgrounds, they have varied educational needs as well. The administration and staff will strive to implement strategies that effectively respond to the individualized needs of students, taking into account their unique backgrounds, interests, aptitudes and learning needs. As an independent school with limited resources, the board may not always be able to accommodate the needs of all students.
- The board recognizes the importance of professional learning to create a foundation for Christian values, ecclesial and cultural identity, human rights education and effective teaching processes. The board acknowledges that professional learning and the subsequent incorporation of anti-bullying and human rights principles into the school climate and curriculum is an ongoing and evolving process of reflection and education which is sustained over time.
- The board will provide opportunities for administrators, teachers, and non- teaching staff to participate in training on bullying prevention and strategies for promoting respect for human dignity, diversity and positive school environments.
- The Head of School will provide information for students and parents to increase their knowledge and understanding of bullying and strategies for promoting respect for human dignity, diversity and positive school environments.
- The board will not accept any expression of bias, discrimination, bullying in any form by its students, staff, volunteers, as well as by parents/guardians, those contracted by the school or visitors who are on school premises or participating in school-sponsored activities.
- The board can deny entry to the school, school premises or school sponsored activities to any person, group or association whose intent is to publicly support or promote hatred, discrimination, or views that are contrary to the teaching of Calvin Christian Schools.
- The board will accommodate students as per the Code of Conduct and the Guidelines for Respecting Dignity and Diversity for students who wish to lead activities and organizations that promote a positive school environment in the framework of a Christian learning environment based on the Article 12 of the Articles of Continuance and the values of a Christian education. Precedence in terms of interpretation on any religious matters shall be by way of the above-mentioned Article 12.
- In order to maintain a Christian learning environment where Christian teachings and values are integrated into all subjects and activities, the board maintains its right to a bona fide and reasonable requirement of administrators, teachers and all school personnel to hire staff who are practicing Christians and are committed to support the CCSs Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct & Lifestyle as outlined in our Hiring Policy.
- As a Christian institution that serves the diverse Christian community in Winnipeg, the board maintains the right as per Section 11(a) of the Manitoba Human Rights Code to accommodate the needs of Christian families by setting an admissions process that gives them reasonable accommodation as outlined in the Calvin Christian’s Admission Policy.
Acknowledgements: portions of this policy have been taken, with permission, from documents prepared by the Winnipeg Mennonite Schools and the Winnipeg Catholic Schools.