Elementary Academics

Our academic program meets and exceeds the Manitoba Education Curriculum while providing individualized support to help children succeed. The elementary campus includes:


All students in K-6 receive music instruction. The Kindergarten students receive half an hour of music daily while students in Grades 1-6 have 2 or 3 classes per cycle.


Students in Grades 1-3 take introductory French 3 or 4 times per cycle. In Grades 4-6, students begin the required Manitoba Education program and receive instruction 5 times per cycle.


Calvin Christian Elementary has two teacher-librarians. In cooperation with the classroom teachers, the teacher-librarians work to promote the importance of reading and provide Resource Based Learning.

Physical Education

A physical education specialist and our classroom teachers provide instruction which promotes good health through active play and through our health curriculum.


All of our students take part in Bible instruction in addition to morning devotions and chapels. These classes focus on the many biblical stories that inform our lives and help us understand God’s character and the centrality of Christ in history.


Our classroom teachers also provide art instruction. Many of our classes utilize the art room for working on a diverse number of projects using a variety of mediums.


Our Kindergarten runs full days on either Monday/Wednesday and alternate Fridays or Tuesday/Thursday and alternate Fridays. They have 2 short recess breaks with the Grades 1-3 students, and a long recess at lunch time.

Support Services

Our campus enjoys the services of a full time Resource Teacher and a staff of Educational Assistants to come alongside students who may benefit from further support in the areas of academics and behavior. A school counsellor is also available to those students who may require additional support for a variety of reasons. Speech, Psychology and Social Work support is available through RETSD.


Students are provided with an opportunity to learn a wide variety of technology skills. We view technology as a useful tool in accomplishing the academic goals we have set out for our students.